Thursday, May 10, 2012

RADAR ( Radio Detecting And Ranging )

Radar Theory                                         

Radar term is the abbreviation of RAdio Detecting And Ranging, which it’s finding and positioning a target and determining the distance between the target and the source by using radio frequency.

                                      Figure 1. Simple overview of Radar Operation

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Greeting for All

Fundamental reason of the creation of this blog as a means of sharing with others about things that for me I like a lot but sometimes it feels weird and strange for some people .. so, maybe there are communities out there that have the same interests with me so all I share will be very useful to them ..
My background culture is Javanese.. so maybe most of which I will share it later having the characteristics of Javanese ... so for those of you who do not know or do not understand about the culture of Javanese maybe you know what you have to do.. but if you want to know and asked me, it would be a honour for me as a Javanese ...but as far as what I knew...
Okay then i think it's enough for the initial opening of this blog ... waiting for my next post ...(I think it would great about Jogja Hip Hop Foundation )